Where and when does “Seeking Truth” meet?
The day class meets from 1:00-3:00 pm and the evening class meets Thursdays from 7:00-9:00 pm at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, 1920 N 102nd St, Omaha, NE. We follow the academic calendar year. Check the class calendar for exceptions of Thursday meetings.
How do I register and how much does it cost?
Registration is taken following the online procedure. Registration is on a first come first served basis until live class is full. The cost is $50 for the live class and $20 for Online Learners taking the current class by computer. Many of the archived lecutures are available for free.
Do I have to be Catholic to attend?
While “Seeking Truth” is a Catholic Bible Study, we welcome people of all faiths to join us in studying God’s Word.
Who can join?
“Seeking Truth” welcomes ALL: married, single, divorced, widowed, young adults, retired, religious; ANYONE can join!
Is childcare available?
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide childcare at this time.
Is attendance required?
While attendance is not required, it is strongly encouraged. If you sign up please plan on faithful attendance. The commitment is for 16 weeks; see calendar page for specific details before registering.
What book are you studying?
For the 2024-25 class year we will study “The Rise and Fall of Ancienct Israel.” We will be using the “Come and See” series.
How do I start a Seeking Truth class in my own parish?
Seeking Truth can be used for study in your own parish. With permission of your pastor or DRE, we will send you free of charge all the necessary materials to host a Seeking Truth class.
Is Seeking Truth appropriate for home school use?
Yes! The fast paced, engaging lectures are perfect for middle and high school students.